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Mastering Middle School: A Parent's Guide to Homework and Time Management

Sep 11, 2023

The first few days of school can be boooooring 😴 and a bit torturous for students as the teachers go through the syllabus and discuss expectations. The good part? Minimal homework!! 🙌🏻 Usually, parents and guardians have to sign papers, but overall, most teachers break students in slowly since everyone is rusty after a long and wonderful summer break. 

Now that your student has the first week under their belt, teachers will begin to ramp things up with each week, increasing both the quantity and complexity of assignments. As a parent, you play a crucial role in helping your student navigate this transition successfully, providing both support and opportunities to develop independence in what becomes a balancing act throughout the middle school years. Below are some of the strategies I've used and taught to parents regarding how to help your student conquer both their homework and time management. 

1. The Power of the Planner                      

One of the most effective tools for middle schoolers to manage their time is a planner. That’s right…we’re talking old-school, paper planners. Yes, they can use digital calendars and we’ll get to that in a minute; however, I’ve found that most of my students stay more organized and on top of their assignments when they have to write them in their planner. Regardless of which method you choose, encourage your child to use a physical planner or digital tools like Google Calendar to keep track of assignments, due dates, and extracurricular activities. Here's how you can help:

  • Introduce Them to the Planner: At the start of the school year, show your child how to use a planner effectively. Teach them to jot down assignments, projects, and important dates. 
  • Daily Check-Ins: Initially, check in with your child daily to ensure they use their planner. Ask questions about upcoming assignments and help them prioritize tasks. As time passes, you can start to check their planner weekly or biweekly once using it becomes a habit for your student. 

2. Utilizing Google Classroom

In many middle schools, Google Classroom is a key platform for assignments and communication. Teach your child how to use Google Classroom to their advantage and if you need help understanding Google Classroom, my online course has you covered:

  • Do NOT Set Up Notifications: Yes notifications are wonderful, in most cases; however, middle schoolers have anywhere from 6-8 different teachers, which means 6-8 different Google Classrooms. That also means your student will receive email notifications from 6-8 different teachers every time something is updated, announced, or assigned. This can lead to massive overwhelm when your middle schooler checks their email. I recommend only using notifications if your student has 2-3 teachers. Otherwise, I suggest disabling notifications to prevent overwhelm and confusion. From my experience, only a few students enjoyed the email notifications while the majority found them to be too much, too often, which resulted in stress, anxiety, and shutting down. For those students, I recommend using the Google Calendar as a guide for homework. See what works best for your middle schooler, but know that it's okay if they don't use notifications.
    • Important to note is that Google Classroom assignments are often automatically added to their Google Calendar. Yes, this is convenient but it is not foolproof and students will need to check with teachers regarding assignments as some teachers adjust Google Classroom assignments and expectations of tasks during class.  
  • Weekly Overview: Help your child set aside time each Sunday to review their Google Classroom and organize assignments for the week ahead.

3. Providing Initial Support

Transitioning to middle school can be overwhelming, so be prepared to offer more support in the beginning, especially if you have a 6th grader:

  • Regular Check-Ins: In the first month of school, have frequent discussions about their assignments and workload. Provide reminders and assist with time management strategies.
  • Homework Space: Create a quiet, organized homework space for your child. Ensure they have the necessary supplies and a distraction-free environment.

4. Encouraging Independence and Learning from Mistakes

Middle school is a time for growth and independence. Allow your child to try new strategies and learn from their mistakes:

  • Foster Independence: As the school year progresses, give your child more freedom to manage their time and assignments on their own. Encourage them to take ownership of their responsibilities.
  • Learning from Mistakes: When they stumble or miss a deadline, use it as a learning opportunity rather than a moment for reprimands, lectures, or “I told you so” discussions. Help them reflect on what went wrong and brainstorm how to avoid similar issues in the future.


Helping your middle schooler develop strong time management and organizational skills is an invaluable gift that will benefit them through school and beyond. By introducing tools like planners and digital platforms, providing initial support, and fostering independence, you will empower your child to succeed while allowing them to grow into confident, responsible learners. Remember, it is all about balancing guidance and independence as they navigate this exciting phase of their education. And if you are unsure how to find that balance and need more support in helping your middle schooler transition and thrive in school, join my online course: A Parent’s Guide to Middle School: How to Help Your Student Thrive and Survive using this link


If you are unsure how to best support your middle schooler as they transition into higher grades, my online course: "A Parent's Guide to Middle School: How to Help Your Student Thrive & Survive" where I share the strategies and tips used during my 19 years in education that set my middle school students up for success.

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