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The Damage of Micromanaging Your Tween

Nov 30, 2022

It happens more often than you think! 😬 Well-meaning micromanager parents believe that if they stay on top of their middle schooler’s homework for them, that they will prevent stress, anxiety and bad grades. 🙅🏻‍♀️

Unfortunately, all this does is promote learned helplessness, increase stress and anxiety, and foster a lack of belief in the student. For example, if Johnny was assigned a project on Monday that is due Friday and every day, the well-meaning parent figure reminds him of his project and/or asks about his progress, he is going to start to not only get frustrated and annoyed but he will being to believe that his parent does not have confidence in him and does not believe he is capable of completing the project without incessant reminders. However, if the micromanaging parent instead chooses to bag the nag and be supportive of the student, initially showing Johnny tools to manage his time but weens off support so that by the time he gets to his project, he knows how to get things done? Well… Johnny becomes a whole new kind of student! 🙌🏻 He gains independence, confidence, and trust in himself. Even better, he knows that his parents also believe and trust in him as well! That kind of support is empowering! 💪🏻 Not only does the middle schooler gain new positive skills and beliefs but these amazing qualities carry on with them throughout high school and beyond.

So, if the urge to micromanage hits you, take a step back and find another way to support your student. And if you are struggling to find that balance, know when to ween off your support or question how you can do so in the most productive manner, hop on the waitlist for my Middle School Masterclass Parent Course where we discuss that topic and more!

If you are unsure how to best support your middle schooler as they transition into higher grades, my online course: "A Parent's Guide to Middle School: How to Help Your Student Thrive & Survive" where I share the strategies and tips used during my 19 years in education that set my middle school students up for success.

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